sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Cool It (2010) Ondi Timoner

This documentary has a very noticeable Michael Moore style, nevertheless I find it to be of huge interest to society.  In a way, you can say that it is a counterattack to Alan Gore's documentary, The Inconvenient Truth.  So "truth" is probable in between...well... maybe not THAT in between.


What I liked most about this film was all that data-analyzing.  All the fact Bjorn Lomborg throws in, make a lot of sense, they are believable and congruent.  The idea of reorganizing priorities is completely logical.  I agree with him, we should spend all that money, that is going to waste by unsuccessfully trying to fix global warming, in eliminating hunger, diseases, poverty...  Of course, as he states it, there are too many influential people interested in things remaining as they are, so change won't come that easily.  I think the main difference between Al Gore's and Ondi Timoner's documentaries is that the second one offers good, viable solutions, while the first one focuses only on you panicking.

There are also some things that I didn't like about the filme because they were too manipulative, like all the scenes were Bjorn Lomborg is hanging out with his sick mom.  I mean could it be more obvious that the director is appealing to our compassionate, human side, so that we start liking Bjorn and that way we find it easier to believe in what he's saying.  The same goes to the scenes where's he's feeding African kids.. they should have been left out, because ultimately what sustains the documentary is all those Nobel Prized scientists that support Bjorn Lomborgs ideas, not if we think he's a good son or even a good human being.

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