sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Love Conquers All (2006) Tan Chui Mui

I have nothing against slow movies, or fixed cameras, or low-budget films.  But this film, I think I didn't understand... or maybe I just didn't understand the reason why the director thought it was a story worth telling.  The truth is I got bored watching it.  I kept on thinking it was about to get interesting, but that moment never arrived.  I didn't empathize with the characters and the vision of life it describes is a little too cynical and frivolous for my taste... depressing I'd say.  The film finally ends, but nothing changes... you're still trying to tie all those loose ends the director left...  What was it about?  A bizarre love story? just a time in the life of someone else?  I don't know... maybe I'm just not smart enough for this type of films.


2 comentarios:

  1. Me parece muy honesta y personal tu crítica. Sería muy bueno tener un análisis del cine contemplativo asiático, si te entusiasma el género claro.

  2. Me parece una excelente propuesta y la verdad es que conozco muy poco el género, así que aún mejor!! bien!! gracias :) p.d. viste que en sitios de interés está la página de Circo 2.12??? jaja ;)
