domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Rehje (2009) Raúl Cuesta and Anais Huerta

The first time I tried to watch this documentary I decided to turn it off instead.  A couple of months later I had to watch it as part of my job.  The truth is, the second time,  I didn't find it as unbearable as I had the first.  Still, I didn't like it.


Antonia is quite a character and her story is very interesting indeed, but I found her voice-over excessive and a little tiring, as well as boring.  I would've enjoyed more close-ups, more of Antonia living her life, instead of just listening to her tell it.  I felt as if the directors had had many recordings of Antonia's voice, but no real image to link it to, so they had decided to put in some landscapes and let the voice fill in the holes.  In the end, I don't think it works.  I believe you can tell, that the fact that they ended up with this documentary is merely chance, since, as they admitted, they were originally trying to do a documentary on drought.

The documentary's techniques are all over the place, which makes it lack a style. That, I find disturbing but I can learn to live with it, but the fact that I never felt connected to the character, and that I couldn't never really empathize with her... that, is what makes me think that the documentary doesn't work.

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