miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

Saturday Night Fever (1977) John Badham

I was watching tv and stumbled upon The Inside Story of Saturday Night Fever, I started watching the program and realized I'd never seen that film.  Being a milestone of the 70's pop-culture I thought it was about time I watch it.

This movie is what it promises to be.  I liked it.  It portraits the 70's generation in a crude, sarcastic way.  It makes fun of the cliches, which is uncommon to see now-a-days... it's honest and it doesn't pretend to be something it's not.  There are a couple of things I did not like, though.   I think that during the sequence of the competition, the slow-motion and the kiss, as well as the last sequence and the final freeze-frame, are just cheesy and unnecessary.  But other than that I think it's a good movie.  The dances, the clothes, the music, the story... it all works just fine.

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